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Tackling Inequalities
Tackling Inequalities
All Our Health: personalised care and population health
Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
Type: Guidance
Date published: October 2022
Description: A framework of evidence to guide healthcare professionals in preventing illness, protecting health and promoting wellbeing
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance
Date published: November 2021
Description: A national NHS England approach to inform action to reduce healthcare inequalities at both national and system level.
Equality Act 2010
Organisation: UK Government
Type: Legislation for the public sector including the protected characteristics in the Equality Act
Date published: Published in 2010
Description: Public Sector equality duty
Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
Type: Profiles and Data
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: A range of data about the health and care of people with learning disabilities. They can be used by commissioners and health and care professionals to help make decisions about how best to meet the health and care needs of people with learning disabilities. The profiles are broken down to upper tier Local Authority level, Region, and England. This means you can look at the situation for your area. You can compare your area to others like it.
Health disparities and health inequalities: applying All Our Health
Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
Type: Guidance
Date published: October 2022
Description: Evidence and information for health and care professionals and the wider workforce on health disparities and health inequalities, and how they can be addressed
LeDeR annual reports
Organisation: Kings College London and University of Bristol
Type: Report
Date published: Various - annually
Description: The LeDeR annual reports give information about the lives and deaths of people with a learning disability whose deaths have been notified to LeDeR.
Meeting the healthcare needs of adults with a learning disability and autistic adults in prison
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance (PDF)
Date published: Sept 2021
Description: Guidance on the design and delivery of prison healthcare for adults with a learning disability and autistic adults accessing healthcare services whilst in prison. (Sept 2021)
NHS bowel cancer screening: identifying and reducing inequalities
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance
Date published: August 2022
Description: Guidance and shared learning for NHS bowel cancer screening providers, commissioners and other partners on reducing barriers to attendance.