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Data: Health and Care of People with Learning Disabilities
Organisation: NHS Digital
Type: Experimental statistics, Other reports and statistics
Date published: Yearly
Description: Provides information about differences in healthcare between people with a learning disability and those without. Indicators are calculated at CCG level and contain data on key health issues such as screening, recorded disease prevalence and prescription rates
Epilepsy Deaths Register
Organisation: SUDEP action
Type: Register of deaths which enables research into deaths from or with epilepsy.
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: Secure platform for professionals and people bereaved by epilepsy to provide information about the deaths of people with, or suspected to have had, epilepsy
Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
Type: Profiles and Data
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: A range of data about the health and care of people with learning disabilities. They can be used by commissioners and health and care professionals to help make decisions about how best to meet the health and care needs of people with learning disabilities. The profiles are broken down to upper tier Local Authority level, Region, and England. This means you can look at the situation for your area. You can compare your area to others like it.
Health Matters: preventing cardiovascular disease
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance and data on Cardiovascular Dieses
Date published: Feb 2019
Description: The scale of the problem, Investing in prevention of CVD, health inequalities, costs to the NHS, Long Term Plan. Published Feb 2019
Improving access to primary care and annual health checks for people who have a learning disability: a multistakeholder qualitative study
Organisation: BMJ Open
Type: Research
Date published: December 2022
Description: Qualitative research investigating key stakeholders’ views on how to improve access to primary care in general practice settings for people with a learning disability.
NICE: Care and support of people growing older with learning disabilities
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance
Date published: April 2018
Description: This guideline covers care and support for adults with learning disabilities as they grow older. It covers identifying changing needs, planning for the future, and delivering services including health, social care and housing. It aims to support people to access the services they need as they get older.
Smoking and People with an Intellectual Disability
Organisation: University of Hertfordshire
Type: Article/Research
Date published: Sept 2016
Description: This article explores what is currently known about people with an intellectual disability who smoke and how best to support smoking cessation in those who wish to quit.