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Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle
A Healthier Me
Organisation: Mencap
Type: Guidance Pack
Date published: August 2021
Description: A guidance pack to help people with a learning disability understand how food and drink choices can affect their health - and how to make small changes.
Breathing Techniques - NHS
Organisation: NHS Coventry and Warwickshire
Type: Film
Date published: 2014
Description: A short film about breathing techniques produced by Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust for people with a learning disability.
Cost of Living Resources
Organisation: Learning Disability England
Type: Information and resources
Date published: Winter 2022/23
Description: Shared information and resources, including accessible information, to help members with the increases in the cost of living - including saving money and staying warm and well.
Diabetes and Me
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Type: Online resources
Date published: March 2021
Description: A collection of resources about managing diabetes - from blood sugars and importance of exercise to insulin pumps and and foot problems.
Easy deep breathing/relaxation exercise
Organisation: Learning Disability CAMHS
Type: Film
Date published: July 2020
Description: A short video to support young people with a Learning Disability to learn an easy relaxation technique using deep breathing. It demonstrates a simple breathing exercise to induce calm when feeling upset, worried or anxious. This breathing exercise can also be used at any time to promote relaxation.
Health matters: preventing Type 2 Diabetes
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance (general population)
Date published: May 2018
Description: This professional resource outlines how to optimise the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) in order to identify those already found to be at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and offer support that will help them reduce their risk of developing the disease.
Organisation: NHS (Scotland)
Type: Guidance on good hydration
Date published: 2016
Description: Information about staying hydrated and signs and symptoms of dehydration - including a urine colour chart.
Keeping bowels healthy and getting poo in the loo
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Film
Date published: March 2023
Description: This video talks about how to keep bowel healthy and getting the poo in the loo (potty training).
NHS Healthier Families
Organisation: NHS
Type: Food facts, recipes, activities.
Date published: 2021
Description: Easy ways to eat well and move more
Obstructive sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea syndrome and obesity hypoventilation syndrome in over 16s
Organisation: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance (General) for healthcare professionals including dentists, commissioners and providers, families/carers.
Date published: August 2021
Description: The guideline covers the diagnosis and management of obstructive sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS), obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with OSAHS (COPD–OSAHS overlap syndrome) in people over 16.