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Internet Explorer 11 will be retired and go out of support on June 15, 2022. The same Internet Explorer 11 apps and sites you use today can open in Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer mode.
Microsoft Edge is the browser recommended by Microsoft and offers a faster, more modern experience than Internet Explorer
Be Cancer Aware
Organisation: Northern Cancer Alliance/NHS
Type: Course
Date published: Late 2020
Description: FREE peer education training, designed to support people with learning disability, families and carers understand more about cancer.
Suspected Cancer: Recognition and Referral
Organisation: Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)
Type: Course
Date published: Reviewed April 2023
Description: Online Course for GPs
Why did Ian Shaw not get the healthcare he needed?
Organisation: Learning Disability England
Type: BBC Film
Date published: July 2017
Description: Film depicting the experiences of Ian Shaw, who had autism and was diagnosed with cancer.