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Breast screening: identifying and reducing inequalities
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance
Date published: Jun 2022
Description: Guidance and shared practice for breast screening providers, commissioners and other stakeholders on addressing inequalities.
Cancer screening - making reasonable adjustments
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance
Date published: October 2016
Description: Cancer screening: Making reasonable adjustments
Organisation: NICE
Type: Guidance and standards
Date published: April 2023
Description: Guidance and standards for all cancers.
Improving Health: Annual Health Checks
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Films and Guidance on Annual Health Checks
Date published: June 2022
Description: Annual Health Checks are a good opportunity to check for cancer red flags and to ensure people have attended age appropriate cancer screening. Exemplars of AHCs, Films about their importance from people with lived experience, AHCs in secondary care pilot. Published June 2022
NHS Long Term Plan: ambitions for cancer
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Strategy
Date published: January 2019
Description: Ambitions and commitments to improve cancer outcomes and services in England over the next ten years.
NHS population screening: access for all
Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
Type: Guidance for health and social care professionals
Date published: August 2022
Description: Guidance and resources to help reduce inequalities in population screening by ensuring that all eligible people have access.
NHS population screening: inequalities strategy
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance
Date published: October 2020
Description: NHS population screening: inequalities strategy to support the health system to reduce inequalities in screening including statistics on prevention of deaths due to screening.
Population screening: supporting people with a learning disability
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance and resources for local screening providers, commissioners and other
Date published: June 2021
Description: Guidance for health professionals to support people with a learning disability to access screening.
Promoting Access to Cancer Screenings for people with a learning disability
Organisation: Northern Cancer Alliance
Type: Guidance and resource pack for care providers of learning disability services
Date published: 2006
Description: "To support care providers of learning disability services with knowledge and understanding of the national cancer screening programmes, the mental capacity act and best interest decisions guidance. The pack includes practical guidance on supporting access to screenings, person centered assessment/checklists and screening action plans."
Reasonable Adjustments for people with a learning disability
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance on the law
Date published: 2018
Description: Guidance on the legal duties for clinicians and others on making reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability under the law.