Many organisations offer support, help and advice about caring for a person with a learning disability and autistic people. They can also support you to deal with the death of a loved one.
LeDeR is not responsible for the content on any of the below websites.
Bereavement support
- Bereavement Advice Centre
- Books Beyond Words: When somebody dies
- Child Bereavement UK
- Child Death Helpline
- Cruse bereavement care
- Dying Matters Support service
- Dying to Matter - a guide for bereaved families (PDF, 1,097kB)
- Respond for people with a learning disability, autistic people or both who have experienced trauma
- Samaritans
- Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
- SUDEP Action for support around sudden death from Epilepsy
- Sue Ryder support for people who have a neurological condition or who have lost someone
- The Compassionate Friends (TCF) – supporting bereaved parents and their families
- Advocate 4 Health - a group of people with a learning disability. This site is about how to be healthy.
- A Picture of Health - helps clinicians provide ‘Easy Read’ information to people with learning disabilities
- Disability Unit – of HM Government
- Easy Health - accessible for people with a learning disability and anyone else.
- Understanding intellectual disability and health – University of Hertfordshire resources