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National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
A lesson for all health and care workers in measuring the temperature of a patient
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: A lesson for all health and care workers in measuring the temperature of a patient.
Calculating and measuring a National Early Warning Score (NEWS) score
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: A lesson for health and care workers in how to calculate and record the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) of a patient. This will help assess if a patient is deteriorating and needs help.
How to use a pulse oximeter at home
Organisation: NHS
Type: Film
Date published: February 2021
Description: This video explains how to use the pulse oximeter and take readings, and when to seek help.
Introduction to sepsis and serious illness
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: An introductory film to spot the signs of deterioration and serious illness such as sepsis in patients. It aims to support carers working in all settings to care for individuals who are at risk of deterioration. It can also be used by students and learners from any professional background to support their personal development.
Measuring blood pressure
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: A lesson for all health and care workers in measuring the blood pressure of a patient in relation to National Early Warning Score (NEWS).
Measuring oxygen saturation
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: A lesson for all health and care workers in checking the oxygen saturation of a patient.
Measuring the heart rate
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: A lesson for all health and care workers in measuring the heart rate of a patient.
Measuring the level of alertness
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: A lesson for all health and care workers in measuring the level of alertness of a patient.
Measuring the respiratory rate
Organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
Type: Film
Date published: March 2020
Description: A lesson for all health and care workers in checking the respiratory rate of a patient.
National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Website
Date published: Accessed June 2023
Description: Website giving details of NEWS - a tool developed by the Royal College of Physicians which improves the detection and response to clinical deterioration in adult patients and is a key element of patient safety and improving patient outcomes.