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Epilepsy Research UK
Organisation: Epilepsy Research UK
Type: Website
Date published: Regularly updated
Description: Epilepsy Research UK is a charity dedicated to driving and enabling research into epilepsy.
Epilepsy12 National Organisational Audit Report 2018
Organisation: National Clinical Audit of Seizures and Epilepsies for Children and Young People
Type: Audit/Statistics
Date published: April 2018
Description: The Epilepsy12 audit (National Clinical Audit of Seizures and Epilepsies for Children and Young People) uses data collected from hospitals and clinics to support quality improvement in paediatric epilepsy services
Neurological Focus Pack Tool
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Data tool
Date published: 2016
Description: Data on epilepsy prevalence, mortality rate, risk, hospital stays and more
SUDEP research updates
Organisation: SUDEP Action
Type: Research
Date published: April 2023
Description: SUDEP Action regularly update their web pages with recent research into epilepsy. Visit this website for recent international publications.
Training nurses in a competency framework to support adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability: the EpAID cluster RCT
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Research study
Date published: August 2019
Description: An economic analysis to determine if learning disability nurses, using a competency framework intervention for the management of epilepsy in adults with learning disabilities, can cost-effectively improve clinical and quality-of-life outcomes when compared with treatment as usual