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Conclusions and Recommendations on use of DNACPR from the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Organisation: Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Type: Recommendations
Date published: May 2022
Description: Guidance on the importance of ensuring that conversations around advance care planning are carried out with kindness and compassion, in line with best practice and people’s human rights.
Delivering high quality end of life care for people who have a learning disability
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance
Date published: August 2017
Description: This guidance document provide resources and tips for commissioners, service providers and health and social care staff providing, or delivering care to people with a learning disability at the end of their lives.
GP Mythbuster: DNACPR
Organisation: Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Type: Guidance
Date published: May 2022
Description: This mythbuster aims to reduce confusion clarify, signpost and share guidance for providers. It aims help providers manage and maintain effective oversight of DNACPR decisions.
Mental Capacity Act - how it can support people with a learning disability at Annual Health Checks
Organisation: Academic Health Science Networks
Type: Film
Date published: Oct 2021
Description: This video is for healthcare professionals working in primary care, to understand more about the Mental Capacity Act and how it will assist when conducting an annual health check, for people with a learning disability.
NICE Impact: People with a Learning Disability
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance
Date published: Nov 2021
Description: General guidance on working with people with a learning disability including the importance of Annual Health Checks which should include a discussion about DNACPR choices and staying well
NICE: Care and support of people growing older with learning disabilities
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance
Date published: April 2018
Description: This guideline covers care and support for adults with learning disabilities as they grow older. It covers identifying changing needs, planning for the future, and delivering services including health, social care and housing. It aims to support people to access the services they need as they get older.
NICE: Management of patients with a learning disability, autism or both
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance
Date published: May 2021
Description: Clinical guide for front line staff to support the management of patients with a learning disability, autism or both during the COVID-19 pandemic – relevant to all clinical specialities. Includes guidance on DNACPR decisions.
Protect, respect, connect – decisions about living and dying well during COVID-19
Organisation: Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Type: Review of DNACPR
Date published: April 2021
Description: The CQC's final report on ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ decisions during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Reasonable Adjustments for people with a learning disability
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance
Date published: Jan 2020
Description: Guidance on the legal duties for clinicians and others on making reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability under the law.
Review of Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation decisions during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: our methodology
Organisation: Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Type: Public report into DNACPR
Date published: December 2020
Description: The CQC's Interim review of Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic including links to the interim report published in December 2020 which sets out the progress of the review so far and our expectations around DNACPR.
Universal Principles for Advance Care Planning (ACP)
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance
Date published: September 2022
Description: Six high level principles for advance care planning in England. It is for the person, those important to them, practitioners and organisations involved in supporting advance care planning conversations and honouring their outcomes.