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Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle
A Healthier Me
Organisation: Mencap
Type: Resource pack
Date published: August 2021
Description: A resource pack to help people with a learning disability understand how food and drink choices can affect their health and how to make small changes.
Cookery and Recipes
Organisation: Various
Type: Resources
Date published: Various
Description: A selection of cookery resources for people with a learning disability
Health matters: preventing Type 2 Diabetes
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance (general population)
Date published: May 2018
Description: This professional resource outlines how to optimise the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) in order to identify those already found to be at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and offer support that will help them reduce their risk of developing the disease.
Increasing the uptake of Annual Health Checks for people with a learning disability: videos for professionals
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Films
Date published: Oct 2021
Description: Various films for healthcare professionals working in primary care to increase knowledge of annual health checks including Introduction to Annual Health Checks for Primary Care
Obesity, weight management and people with learning disabilities: Guidance
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance
Date published: Revised Sept 2020
Description: This guidance is for public health staff commissioning or running weight management services and other mainstream health professionals working to support people to lose weight.
Obstructive sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea syndrome and obesity hypoventilation syndrome in over 16s
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance (General) for healthcare professionals including dentists, commissioniners and providers, families/carers.
Date published: August 2021
Description: The guideline covers the diagnosis and management of obstructive sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS), obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with OSAHS (COPD–OSAHS overlap syndrome) in people over 16.
Public Health England Strategy 2020-2025
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Strategy
Date published: From 2020-2025
Description: This strategy set's out Public Health England's strategy for the next 5 years, including achieving healthier diets and healthier weight which is one of the top 10 priorities in the strategy
Supporting someone with a learning disability to stay hydrated
Organisation: MacIntyre Charity
Type: Website
Date published: June 2021
Description: Guidance on helping someone with a learning disability to stay hydrated.
The Eat Well Guide
Organisation: NHS
Type: Guides for healthy eating
Date published:
Description: Information and guidance about eating a healthy, balanced diet.
Weight management for people with learning disabilities
Organisation: The Association of UK Dieticians
Type: Guidance
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: Resources and policies on reducing health inequalities and supporting food choices, including the policy paper ' Tackling Obesity'.